Grasshopper Telephony Helps Logic 361 stay Nimble
Advice: For small companies looking to maximize phone productivity, manage remote locations, and route phone calls like email, gotvmail simply works!
When entrepreneur Stephen Schramke...
The 6 most valuable letters of all time
By Dave Chase, Altus Alliance
Fred Wilson once commented on whether technical innovation or business model innovation was more powerful for a startup. He cites...
Pointers from the Pros: Tips for Today’s Job Search
By Curt Rosengren
There was a time when it seemed all you had to do was sneeze and another job would fall in your lap....
The State of Search — Unregulated Results and Privacy Questions Loom...
The annual SMX Advanced Search Marketing Expo has once again taken up advanced SEO and PPC discussion on the Seattle waterfront this week. The multi-track symposium tackles the leading organic...
11 Steps for Selecting Top Management Talent
By Carl Robinson, PhD, Advanced Leadership Consulting in conjunction with Susan Jameson Harker, Paladin Partners
I recently was asked to give a presentation to a...
Take Advantage of the Downturn: Turn Savings Into Opportunities for Innovation
By Mark Usher and David Tunney
"Before making any announcements, executives should reflect on the last time they cut back during a slowdown. They...
Shopping Online for Wa State Health Insurance: The Right Rx Introduces “Health Plans By Request”
In today’s volatile economic and political climate, it’s hard to know which way to turn when it comes to...
Where’s The Content? Harnessing The Powerful Potential of Wireless PDA’s
by Charlie Gillette
“We’ve moved to wireless PDAs, phones enabled with web browsers, and PDA/phone combinations. Unfortunately most handhelds are vastly underused --- leveraged only...
“Mapping” Friends and Foes: Is Withholding Audible, Turn-by-Turn Directions From a...
In the same week that driverless cars became street legal in the state of California, a week that saw Governor Jerry Brown travel from...
Data Camp Seattle – HearNear Born Here!
by Joe McCarthy.
Data Camp Seattle was a day-long unconference / hackathon organized by the Code for America Seattle fellows in collaboration with Socrata and the City of Seattle. The...