Sunday, September 8, 2024


Home ShopTalk

2014’s Brightest Outlook for Hourly Workers Is in the Cloud.

When it comes to job opportunity, Luis J. Salazar personifies the power of technology to break down barriers, in language and in accessibility. From directing...

Seattle’s First International Search Summit Kicks Off Localization World 2010

The crossroads of the online world in two essential, international disciplines, Search Marketing and Web Localization, both vital to “going global,” conducting international business,...

A Day in the Life of a Seattle Search Marketer

When your forward-thinking editor first began practicing the fine art of search engine marketing, before such buzzworthy concepts as Largest Contentful Paint, First Input...

The Ascent of Affiliate Marketing: The Seattle24x7 “How-To” Interview

When we reached out from Seattle beyond the peaks of Snoqualmie Pass to interview Affiliate Marketing expert, Jamie Birch, the 43-year old triathlete answered...

Will The ‘Empire Strike Back’ Against Google’s SPYW? Bing’s Steven Weitz...

It's Groundhog Day. Will Spring finally come for Bing marketing while Google is taking serious slings and arrows for favoring Google+ content in its new “Search Plus...

POP! Multimedia: Making Great Interactive Isn’t All Fun and Games —...

It's a funny thing that Bill Nye the Science Guy (and the Disney TV show of the same name) was one of...

Keeping It Simple Part III of the Saltmine Series

Web-development firms tend to be either "nerdy" or "artsy fartsy." That is, they focus either on the technical (programming, software development, etc.)...

Final Days: Catch the West Sound Wave of Policy & Progress,...

BREAKING NEWS: Norm Dicks to Speak on Cyber Security at the Summit of his amazing career and this unprecedented event!  The challenge: Create a very different... Lattes at Your Desk

Ever wait in line while the person in front of you orders three tall lattes? hopes to put an end to that...

Steam “Big Picture” Beta from Valve Now Open for “Bigness!”

Couch potatoes, prepare to supersize your gamer taters! Big Picture is a new mode of the Steam online gaming service that has been optimized...