Home What's Brewing? Wonder of Wanders, Zeenami Tsunami

Wonder of Wanders, Zeenami Tsunami

How walkable is your neighborhood? Walkscore.com ranks communities nationwide (and soon, globally) based on how many businesses, parks, theaters, schools and other common destinations are within walking distance of any given starting point.

The site’s creators, Matt Lerner, Mike Mathieu and Jesse Kocher, all of Seattle, say they were inspired by the nonprofit Siteline Institute to think of walking not just as a healthful physical activity for an individual but also as mental and social exercise that boosts interactions within a walking community. [24×7]

A Tsunami of Change with Zeenami
Zeenami is here to help you reach your self-improvement goals by discovering some interesting things about you, and then combining those insights with community information to predict the best self-improvement related products, services, coaches, tools and resources for you.

The company is still in development mode but if you would like to pariticpate in the beta progam, drop a note at the site and they will notofy you once they launch. [24×7]

ZAAZ Picked by Sony Electronics
Seattle interactive shop ZAAZ has been named the new Web Creative Agency of Record (AOR) by Sony Electronics Inc.will be responsible for creative execution of Sony’s marketing and advertising through its brand marketing web sites. ZAAZ will also drive the use of analytics and usability data to inform and validate new creative executions. The AOR engagement consolidates the role once held by several other agencies.

“Our industry faces a new trend where companies are consolidating all their interactive strategy under one agency that can serve as a more holistic partner,” said Shane Atchison, CEO of ZAAZ. “It is with real excitement that we announce the selection by Sony. Adding this well-respected brand to our list of consumer and high-technology clientele carries a tremendous amount of weight, and is especially important in helping us to continue to draw top notch talent with diverse backgrounds in interactive design, development and analytics.” [24×7]